“Music for "Jesus (verb): Jesus Drove"” Livingwell Church Various Singers
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Jesus verb series 2.0.001

The image Matthew chapter 21 paints of Jesus doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the gospel descriptions. (kinda like the game; “One of these things is not like the other”). Here Jesus departs from our familiar image of He with folded hands, holding lambs and softly touching sick people on the head. Here we witness an aspect of him that he seemed to hold in careful reserve.

Jesus was angry, and like the Umpire on the field who refs the game; Jesus firmly declares to these currency exchangers “YOU’RE OOOOUUUTTTTTT!”

Overtuning tables and tying a whip together from cords and using it to clear the temple of those who had turned it into something it was never intended to be …Jesus wow, really? Since we no longer worship at the Jewish Temple what does this aspect of Jesus character mean for me in my life? Shall we just be watching out for Jesus’ “wild side” and excuse it as uncharacteristically not Godlike, or is this a part of His being that is as completely sanctified as his prayerful quiet moments? You will not want to miss this week’s message as we witness an aspect of Jesus rarely considered: Jesus drove.