“A Father's Plan for His Family” Livingwell Church John Trotter
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Men must choose between the good places and the best places to invest their energy. When a man is at work he is thinking: “man, I wish I could be more present in the lives of my wife and kids.” When a man is at home he is thinking, “man, I should be working to provide for these many needs my family has.”

When Israel was in crisis and needed leadership Joshua spoke now famous words: “Choose you this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Joshua led a nation (work). Joshua led his family (primary responsibility). What may seem like an impossible scenario (successfully balancing family and work) became doable because Joshua possessed the key to success. He knew who he was in God and that identity gave him incredible strength to choose right and live right. The responsibility of leadership requires wisdom, thinking ahead and right action. Joshua had a plan for his family and his family experienced the blessing of God. God has a plan for his family, He desires to bless. We must make the hard choices. Even as hard as these choices are sometimes, men know deep down that “if it’s not worth doing right it’s not worth doing at all.” A saying that all dads say, right!?!