Sermons from August 2014

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Tug O’ War: The Fighter Still Remains


In Matthew 16 Jesus begins to share of his near future sufferings and death. Peter rebuked him and said “Never Lord!” Peter had one outcome in mind and Jesus had quite another. “It is not hard to grasp at particular outcomes, especially outcomes that we know to be worth pursuing. Even if Peter was the […]

Tug O’ War: Still Not Outnumbered


Nearing the end of his gospel Matthew records Jesus asking his disciples a weighty question: “Who do people say that I am?” after a variety of responses ranging from John the Baptist to Elijah, Jesus asked another. “Who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the […]

Tug O’ War: The Cornerman


Jealousy had trumped brotherly love and Joseph lost his brightly colored robe and freedom. He was sold into slavery. Bad went to worse where he was – wrongfully accused of rape and thrown into jail. Innocent, yet accused by powerful people he was in jail, in a foreign country. Even though things looked pretty bleak […]

Tug O’ War: A People of Struggle


Tug O’ War. A true test of who is stronger. Straining on the rope, pulling, leveraging and digging in, all part of the struggle. At first (if the contest is semi equitable) the struggle may be marked in inches and then after the lesser opponent has completely exhausted his strength, the loss is then measured […]